UniMAP Flexible Education
Welcome to the UniMAP Flexible Education platform, your gateway to flexible learning and lifelong education opportunities. Our E-Learning Platform enables you to learn according to your own schedule and at your preferred pace. With a diverse array of offerings, including Microcredential Courses, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), and Open Educational Resources Courses (OER Course), we accommodate various learning styles, allowing you to continuously enhance your skill, expand your knowledge and explore new horizons. Join us in reshaping the landscape of education and embark on a lifelong learning journey unlike any other.
UniMAP In Numbers
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What does the future hold for you?
New Learning has over 36 courses available. All of courses have been designed by subject matter experts to give you an interactive and enjoyable learning experience.
QUQC1001 MC: Microsoft Excel for Beginners
Coming Soon
NUTC1002 MC: Introduction to Industry 4.0
Coming Soon
EUJC1001 MC: Basic MATLAB Programming
Coming Soon
EMJC1001 MC: Computer Programming Level 1
Coming Soon